About Us
Stoneface supports your retail sales team with product sales and technical training for high performance winter, outdoor and surf sports equipment and gear.
StoneFace Sales is the conduit between the company and the retailer. This relationship quantifies the differences between a great representative and a marginal one. The level of customer intimacy we achieve defines our sales ability. Our foremost priority is to constantly develop knowledge of the customers and their changing needs. We must offer flawless, effortless and instantaneous performance, which hinges on listening and understanding their business. We must help our customers reach their goals, in doing so they will help us achieve our objectives. We must make extraordinary service the ordinary. It is imperative that the retailer fully understands the products we represent and the culture surrounding them. Our success thrives on this deep connection and lasting relationship.

“Stoneface sets itself apart with deep technical training and support for our retail partners.”
— John Whitcomb, Stoneface Sales
In 1805 Francis Whitcomb (John’s Great Grandfather) was one of the first to discover and survey The Old Man of the Mountain (The Great Stone Face) in the White Mountains. Our team shares Francis’s passion to pursue outdoor activities and is committed to growing and supporting the outdoor sports industry.